Generated with .NET Object Model Diagram Generator
- ImageBuffer(IBuffer buffer, PixelFormat pixelFormat, uint width, uint height)
- Buffer { get; } : IBuffer
- BufferLength { get; } : uint
- Height { get; } : uint
- PixelFormat { get; } : PixelFormat
- Width { get; } : uint
- As<I>() : I
- CopyToBuffer(Byte[] values)
- CreateBufferAttachedToBitmap(SoftwareBitmap softwareBitmap) : ImageBuffer
- CreateCopyFromBitmap(SoftwareBitmap softwareBitmap) : ImageBuffer
- CreateFromBuffer(IBuffer buffer, PixelFormat pixelFormat, uint width, uint height) : ImageBuffer
- CreateFromBufferWithStride(IBuffer buffer, PixelFormat pixelFormat, uint width, uint height, uint stride) : ImageBuffer
- CreateSoftwareBitmap() : SoftwareBitmap
- Dispose()
- Equals(ImageBuffer other) : bool
- FromAbi(IntPtr thisPtr) : ImageBuffer
- MaxSupportedScaleFactor { get; } : int
- AutomationOption { get; set; } : ContentAutomationOptions
- AutomationTreeOption { get; set; } : AutomationTreeOptions
- InputCapabilities { get; set; } : InputCapabilities
- ProcessKeyboardInput { get; set; } : bool
- ProcessPointerInput { get; set; } : bool
- None = 0
- FrameworkBased = 1
- FragmentBased = 2
- AutomationOption { get; } : ContentAutomationOptions
- AutomationTreeOption { get; } : AutomationTreeOptions
- InputCapabilities { get; } : InputCapabilities
- ProcessKeyboardInput { get; } : bool
- ProcessPointerInput { get; } : bool
- InputCapabilities { get; set; } : InputCapabilities
- ProcessKeyboardInput { get; set; } : bool
- ProcessPointerInput { get; set; } : bool
- AutomationOption { get; } : ContentAutomationOptions
- AutomationTreeOption { get; } : AutomationTreeOptions
- InputCapabilities { get; } : InputCapabilities
- ProcessKeyboardInput { get; } : bool
- ProcessPointerInput { get; } : bool
- InputCapabilities { get; set; } : InputCapabilities
- ProcessKeyboardInput { get; set; } : bool
- ProcessPointerInput { get; set; } : bool
- InputCapabilities { get; set; } : InputCapabilities
- ProcessKeyboardInput { get; set; } : bool
- ProcessPointerInput { get; set; } : bool
- DefaultTitleBarShouldMatchAppModeTheme { get; set; } : bool
- EnablePlacementPersistence(Guid appPlacementStorageGuid, bool isMainWindow, WindowId launchTargetWindowId, PlacementPersistenceBehaviorFlags flags)
- EnablePlacementPersistence(Guid appPlacementStorageGuid, bool isMainWindow, WindowId launchTargetWindowId, PlacementPersistenceBehaviorFlags flags, string windowType)
- GetCurrentPlacement() : string
- SaveCurrentPlacement() : bool
- SetPlacement(string placementString, bool isFirstWindow, WindowId launchTargetWindowId, PlacementPersistenceBehaviorFlags flags) : bool
- SetTaskBarIcon(IconId iconId)
- SetTaskBarIcon(string iconPath)
- SetTitleBarIcon(IconId iconId)
- SetTitleBarIcon(string iconPath)
- PreferredMaximumSize { get; set; } : SizeInt32
- PreferredMinimumSize { get; set; } : SizeInt32
- SetPreferredBounds(SizeInt32 preferredMinimumSize, SizeInt32 preferredMaximumSize)
- None = 0
- AllowLaunchIntoMaximized = 1
- AllowLaunchIntoFullscreen = 2
- AllowLaunchIntoArranged = 4
- HonorStartupInfoForFirstWindow = 8
- MoveToFitOnMonitorWorkArea = 16
- ResizeToFitOnMonitorWorkArea = 32
- OpenOverLastOpenedWindow = 64
- CascadeOverLastOpenedWindow = 128
- Default = 65535
- Default = 0
- UseDefaultAppMode = 1
- Light = 2
- Dark = 3
- None = 0
- Low = 1
- Medium = 2
- High = 3
- Accessibility = 1
- Caption = 2
- DetailedNarration = 3
- OfficeCharts = 4
- As<I>() : I
- CreateAsync() : IAsyncOperation<LanguageModel>
- CreateContext() : LanguageModelContext
- CreateContext(string systemPrompt, ContentFilterOptions contentFilterOptions) : LanguageModelContext
- Dispose()
- Equals(LanguageModel other) : bool
- FromAbi(IntPtr thisPtr) : LanguageModel
- GenerateEmbeddingVector(string prompt) : IReadOnlyList<EmbeddingVector>
- GenerateEmbeddingVector(string prompt, ContentFilterOptions contentFilterOptions) : IReadOnlyList<EmbeddingVector>
- GenerateEmbeddingVectorAsync(string prompt) : IAsyncOperation<IReadOnlyList<EmbeddingVector>>
- GenerateEmbeddingVectorAsync(string prompt, ContentFilterOptions contentFilterOptions) : IAsyncOperation<IReadOnlyList<EmbeddingVector>>
- GenerateResponseAsync(LanguageModelOptions options, string prompt) : IAsyncOperation<LanguageModelResponse>
- GenerateResponseAsync(LanguageModelOptions options, string prompt, ContentFilterOptions contentFilterOptions) : IAsyncOperation<LanguageModelResponse>
- GenerateResponseAsync(LanguageModelOptions options, string prompt, ContentFilterOptions contentFilterOptions, LanguageModelContext context) : IAsyncOperation<LanguageModelResponse>
- GenerateResponseAsync(string prompt) : IAsyncOperation<LanguageModelResponse>
- GenerateResponseFromEmbeddingsWithProgressAsync(LanguageModelOptions options, IReadOnlyList<EmbeddingVector> promptEmbedding) : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<LanguageModelResponse, String>
- GenerateResponseFromEmbeddingsWithProgressAsync(LanguageModelOptions options, IReadOnlyList<EmbeddingVector> promptEmbedding, ContentFilterOptions contentFilterOptions) : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<LanguageModelResponse, String>
- GenerateResponseFromEmbeddingsWithProgressAsync(LanguageModelOptions options, IReadOnlyList<EmbeddingVector> promptEmbedding, ContentFilterOptions contentFilterOptions, LanguageModelContext context) : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<LanguageModelResponse, String>
- GenerateResponseFromEmbeddingsWithProgressAsync(IReadOnlyList<EmbeddingVector> promptEmbedding) : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<LanguageModelResponse, String>
- GenerateResponseFromTokensWithProgressAsync(LanguageModelOptions options, IReadOnlyList<Int64> promptTokens) : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<LanguageModelResponse, String>
- GenerateResponseFromTokensWithProgressAsync(LanguageModelOptions options, IReadOnlyList<Int64> promptTokens, ContentFilterOptions contentFilterOptions) : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<LanguageModelResponse, String>
- GenerateResponseFromTokensWithProgressAsync(LanguageModelOptions options, IReadOnlyList<Int64> promptTokens, ContentFilterOptions contentFilterOptions, LanguageModelContext context) : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<LanguageModelResponse, String>
- GenerateResponseWithProgressAsync(LanguageModelOptions options, string prompt) : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<LanguageModelResponse, String>
- GenerateResponseWithProgressAsync(LanguageModelOptions options, string prompt, ContentFilterOptions contentFilterOptions) : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<LanguageModelResponse, String>
- GenerateResponseWithProgressAsync(LanguageModelOptions options, string prompt, ContentFilterOptions contentFilterOptions, LanguageModelContext context) : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<LanguageModelResponse, String>
- GenerateResponseWithProgressAsync(string prompt) : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<LanguageModelResponse, String>
- GenerateTokens(string text) : IReadOnlyList<Int64>
- GenerateTokens(string text, ContentFilterOptions contentFilterOptions) : IReadOnlyList<Int64>
- GenerateTokensAsync(string text) : IAsyncOperation<IReadOnlyList<Int64>>
- GenerateTokensAsync(string text, ContentFilterOptions contentFilterOptions) : IAsyncOperation<IReadOnlyList<Int64>>
- IsAvailable() : bool
- IsPromptLargerThanContext(LanguageModelContext context, string prompt) : bool
- IsPromptLargerThanContext(string prompt) : bool
- MakeAvailableAsync() : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<PackageDeploymentResult, PackageDeploymentProgress>
- LanguageModelOptions()
- LanguageModelOptions(LanguageModelSkill skill, float temp, float top_p, uint top_k)
- Skill { get; set; } : LanguageModelSkill
- Temp { get; set; } : float
- Top_k { get; set; } : uint
- Top_p { get; set; } : float
- Complete = 0
- InProgress = 1
- BlockedByPolicy = 2
- PromptLargerThanContext = 3
- PromptBlockedByPolicy = 4
- ResponseBlockedByPolicy = 5
- General = 0
- TextToTable = 1
- Summarize = 2
- Rewrite = 3
- None = 0
- Activity = 1
- Alarm = 2
- Alert = 3
- Attention = 4
- Available = 5
- Away = 6
- Busy = 7
- Error = 8
- NewMessage = 9
- Paused = 10
- Playing = 11
- Unavailable = 12
- Success = 0
- UnknownFailure = 100
- InvalidSessionId = 101
- Success = 0
- UnknownFailure = 100
- SessionInProgress = 101
- UnrecognizedEmbeddingType = 102
- EmbeddingContentTypeMismatch = 103
- InvalidEmbeddingRegion = 104
- MaintenanceInProgress = 105
- RegionIdTooLarge = 106
- EmbeddingVectorTooLarge = 107
- EmbeddingVectorSpaceMismatch = 108
- EmbeddingElementTypeMismatch = 109
- ExtendedError { get; } : Exception
- SessionId { get; } : Guid
- Status { get; } : BeginItemUpdateStatus
- Succeeded { get; } : bool
- Success = 0
- UnknownFailure = 100
- SessionInProgress = 101
- MaintenanceInProgress = 102
- GeneratorDisposed = 103
- GeneratorModelUnloaded = 104
- Success = 0
- UnknownFailure = 100
- InvalidSessionId = 101
- UnrecognizedEmbeddingType = 102
- EmbeddingContentTypeMismatch = 103
- InvalidEmbeddingRegion = 104
- IncompleteRegionStreams = 105
- MaintenanceInProgress = 106
- RegionIdTooLarge = 107
- EmbeddingVectorTooLarge = 108
- EmbeddingVectorSpaceMismatch = 109
- EmbeddingElementTypeMismatch = 110
- CreatedOrReplacedIndexFile = 0
- OpenedExistingIndexFile = 1
- CopyTo(IMemoryBuffer buffer) : uint
- Equals(Embedding other) : bool
- FromAbi(IntPtr thisPtr) : Embedding
- EmbeddingQuantizationParameters(float _Scale, float _ZeroPoint)
- Scale : float
- ZeroPoint : float
- Success = 0
- MaxEmbeddingsGenerated = 1
- UnknownFailure = 100
- InvalidSessionId = 101
- SessionInProgress = 102
- SessionInternalFailure = 103
- InvalidSourceState = 104
- RegionAlreadyComplete = 105
- SessionAborted = 106
- MaximumWriteTextLengthExceeded = 107
- InvalidInputData = 108
- GeneratorDisposed = 109
- MaintenanceInProgress = 110
- GeneratorModelUnavailable = 111
- GeneratorModelUnloaded = 112
- EmbeddingVector(Single[] data, Guid vectorSpaceID)
- Count { get; } : uint
- VectorSpaceId { get; } : Guid
- None = 0
- PrimaryEmbeddingModel = 1
- TextQueryEmbeddingModel = 2
- All = 4294967295
- OutputLength { get; } : uint
- VectorSpaceId { get; } : Guid
- None = 0
- Image = 1
- Text = 2
- AlwaysOpen = 0
- AlwaysCreate = 1
- OpenExisting = 2
- None = 0
- Encoding_PlainTextHex = 1
- Encoding_Blob = 2
- Key_SymmetricAes256 = 65536
- IndexVectorSpaceIds(Guid _Current, Guid _Previous)
- Current : Guid
- Previous : Guid
- ContentType { get; } : SemanticContentType
- IsMaintenanceInProgress { get; } : bool
- IsMaintenanceRequired { get; } : bool
- MaxResultsPerQuery { get; } : uint
- RequiresMigration { get; } : bool
- ItemIndexingState2(ItemIndexingStatus _Status, Guid _VectorSpaceId, bool _RequiresMigration)
- NotPresent = 0
- Pending = 1
- Present = 2
- UpdatePending = 3
- RequiresMigration = 4
- MigrationPending = 5
- ConfidenceScore { get; } : float
- MatchId { get; } : uint
- Region { get; } : ItemRegion
- ContentType { get; } : SemanticContentType
- ItemId { get; } : Guid
- RegionId { get; set; } : string
- TextLength { get; } : ulong
- TextOffset { get; } : ulong
- Version { get; } : string
- QueryEmbeddings(Embedding currentVectorSpaceEmbedding)
- QueryEmbeddings(Embedding currentVectorSpaceEmbedding, Embedding previousVectorSpaceEmbedding)
- CurrentVectorSpaceEmbedding { get; } : Embedding
- PreviousVectorSpaceEmbedding { get; } : Embedding
- QueryParameters(string fileType, string content, string time)
- Content { get; } : string
- FileType { get; } : string
- TimeStatement { get; } : string
- Success = 0
- UnknownFailure = 100
- ContentTypeNotSupported = 101
- InternalQueryFailure = 102
- InvalidEmbeddingRegion = 103
- UnrecognizedEmbeddingType = 104
- GeneratorDisposed = 105
- MaxResultCountOutOfRange = 106
- InvalidContinuationToken = 107
- ExpiredContinuationToken = 108
- ContinuationNotPossible = 109
- GeneratorModelUnloaded = 110
- EmbeddingVectorTooLarge = 111
- EmbeddingContentTypeMismatch = 112
- EmbeddingElementTypeMismatch = 113
- EmbeddingVectorSpaceMismatch = 114
- BasePath { get; } : string
- ContentType { get; } : SemanticContentType
- CreationDispositionResult { get; } : CreationDispositionResultStatus
- IsMaintenanceInProgress { get; } : bool
- IsMaintenanceRequired { get; } : bool
- MaxResultsPerQuery { get; } : uint
- RequiresMigration { get; } : bool
- AbortItemUpdate(Guid itemUpdateSessionId) : AbortItemUpdateResult
- AddOrUpdateEmbeddings(Guid itemId, Embedding[] embeddings) : AddOrUpdateEmbeddingsResult
- AddRegionToItem(Guid itemUpdateSessionId, string regionId, SoftwareBitmap regionImage) : SingleEmbeddingResult
- As<I>() : I
- BeginItemUpdate(Guid itemId) : BeginItemUpdateResult
- CancelMaintenanceAsync() : IAsyncAction
- Clear()
- CommitItemUpdate(Guid itemUpdateSessionId) : CommitItemUpdateResult
- ContinueQuery(QueryContinuationToken continuationToken) : QueryResult
- CreateAsync(SemanticImageIndexStoreOptions options) : IAsyncOperation<SemanticImageIndexStore>
- CreateDefaultEmbeddingsGeneratorAsync() : IAsyncOperation<ImageEmbeddingsGenerator>
- CreateDefaultTextQueryEmbeddingsGeneratorAsync() : IAsyncOperation<TextEmbeddingsGenerator>
- CreateEmbeddingsGeneratorAsync(Guid modelId) : IAsyncOperation<ImageEmbeddingsGenerator>
- CreateEmbeddingsGeneratorForOptionsAsync(SemanticImageIndexStoreOptions options) : IAsyncOperation<ImageEmbeddingsGenerator>
- CreateTextQueryEmbeddingsGeneratorAsync(Guid modelId) : IAsyncOperation<TextEmbeddingsGenerator>
- CreateTextQueryEmbeddingsGeneratorForOptionsAsync(SemanticImageIndexStoreOptions options) : IAsyncOperation<TextEmbeddingsGenerator>
- DeleteIndex(string path)
- DeleteItem(Guid itemId)
- DeleteItems(Guid[] itemIds)
- Dispose()
- Equals(SemanticImageIndexStore other) : bool
- FromAbi(IntPtr thisPtr) : SemanticImageIndexStore
- GetDefaultQueryDistanceThreshold() : float
- GetEmbeddingCount() : ulong
- GetIndexingState(Guid itemId) : ItemIndexingState
- GetIndexingState2(Guid itemId) : ItemIndexingState2
- GetIndexingStateMany(Guid[] itemId) : IList<ItemIndexingState>
- GetIndexingStateMany2(Guid[] itemId) : IList<ItemIndexingState2>
- GetItemCount() : ulong
- GetItemEmbeddings(Guid itemId) : IList<Embedding>
- GetVectorSpaceIds() : IndexVectorSpaceIds
- IsAvailable(SemanticImageIndexStoreOptions options) : bool
- IsDefaultEmbeddingsGeneratorAvailable() : bool
- IsDefaultTextQueryEmbeddingsGeneratorAvailable() : bool
- IsEmbeddingsGeneratorAvailable(Guid modelId) : bool
- IsEmbeddingsGeneratorAvailableForOptions(SemanticImageIndexStoreOptions options) : bool
- IsLoaded(ImageIndexModelKind modelsToCheck) : bool
- IsTextQueryEmbeddingsGeneratorAvailable(Guid modelId) : bool
- IsTextQueryEmbeddingsGeneratorAvailableForOptions(SemanticImageIndexStoreOptions options) : bool
- LoadAsync(ImageIndexModelKind modelsToLoad) : IAsyncAction
- MakeAvailableAsync(SemanticImageIndexStoreOptions options) : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<PackageDeploymentResult, PackageDeploymentProgress>
- MakeDefaultEmbeddingsGeneratorAvailableAsync() : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<PackageDeploymentResult, PackageDeploymentProgress>
- MakeDefaultTextQueryEmbeddingsGeneratorAvailableAsync() : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<PackageDeploymentResult, PackageDeploymentProgress>
- MakeEmbeddingsGeneratorAvailableAsync(Guid modelId) : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<PackageDeploymentResult, PackageDeploymentProgress>
- MakeEmbeddingsGeneratorAvailableForOptionsAsync(SemanticImageIndexStoreOptions options) : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<PackageDeploymentResult, PackageDeploymentProgress>
- MakeTextQueryEmbeddingsGeneratorAvailableAsync(Guid modelId) : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<PackageDeploymentResult, PackageDeploymentProgress>
- MakeTextQueryEmbeddingsGeneratorAvailableForOptionsAsync(SemanticImageIndexStoreOptions options) : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<PackageDeploymentResult, PackageDeploymentProgress>
- PerformMaintenanceAsync() : IAsyncAction
- Query(QueryEmbeddings queryValues, SemanticQueryOptions options) : QueryResult
- QueryEmbedding(Embedding queryValue, SemanticQueryOptions options) : QueryResult
- QueryImage(SoftwareBitmap queryValue, SemanticQueryOptions options) : QueryResult
- QueryText(string queryValue, SemanticQueryOptions options) : QueryResult
- SimpleAddOrUpdateItem(Guid itemId, string regionId, SoftwareBitmap itemImage) : SingleEmbeddingResult
- TryGetNextItemsToMigrate(uint maxItemCount) : IList<Guid>
- Unload(ImageIndexModelKind modelsToUnload)
- None = 0
- AllowContinuation = 1
- OnlyTopEmbeddingPerItem = 2
- DistanceThreshold { get; set; } : float
- Flags { get; set; } : SemanticQueryOptionFlags
- ItemIdQuerySet { get; } : IList<Guid>
- MaxResultCount { get; set; } : uint
- OutputLength { get; } : uint
- VectorSpaceId { get; } : Guid
- BasePath { get; } : string
- ContentType { get; } : SemanticContentType
- CreationDispositionResult { get; } : CreationDispositionResultStatus
- IsMaintenanceInProgress { get; } : bool
- IsMaintenanceRequired { get; } : bool
- MaxResultsPerQuery { get; } : uint
- RequiresMigration { get; } : bool
- AbortItemUpdate(Guid itemUpdateSessionId) : AbortItemUpdateResult
- AddOrUpdateEmbeddings(Guid itemId, Embedding[] embeddings) : AddOrUpdateEmbeddingsResult
- AddRegionStreamToItem(Guid itemUpdateSessionId, string regionId, TextEmbeddingsOptions options) : TextRegionStream
- AddRegionToItem(Guid itemUpdateSessionId, string regionId, string regionText, TextEmbeddingsOptions options) : MultipleEmbeddingsResult
- As<I>() : I
- BeginItemUpdate(Guid itemId) : BeginItemUpdateResult
- CancelMaintenanceAsync() : IAsyncAction
- Clear()
- CommitItemUpdate(Guid itemUpdateSessionId) : CommitItemUpdateResult
- ContinueQuery(QueryContinuationToken continuationToken) : QueryResult
- CreateAsync(SemanticTextIndexStoreOptions options) : IAsyncOperation<SemanticTextIndexStore>
- CreateDefaultEmbeddingsGeneratorAsync() : IAsyncOperation<TextEmbeddingsGenerator>
- CreateEmbeddingsGeneratorAsync(Guid modelId) : IAsyncOperation<TextEmbeddingsGenerator>
- CreateEmbeddingsGeneratorForOptionsAsync(SemanticTextIndexStoreOptions options) : IAsyncOperation<TextEmbeddingsGenerator>
- DeleteIndex(string path)
- DeleteItem(Guid itemId)
- DeleteItems(Guid[] itemIds)
- Dispose()
- Equals(SemanticTextIndexStore other) : bool
- FromAbi(IntPtr thisPtr) : SemanticTextIndexStore
- GetDefaultQueryDistanceThreshold() : float
- GetEmbeddingCount() : ulong
- GetIndexingState(Guid itemId) : ItemIndexingState
- GetIndexingState2(Guid itemId) : ItemIndexingState2
- GetIndexingStateMany(Guid[] itemId) : IList<ItemIndexingState>
- GetIndexingStateMany2(Guid[] itemId) : IList<ItemIndexingState2>
- GetItemCount() : ulong
- GetItemEmbeddings(Guid itemId) : IList<Embedding>
- GetVectorSpaceIds() : IndexVectorSpaceIds
- IsAvailable(SemanticTextIndexStoreOptions options) : bool
- IsDefaultEmbeddingsGeneratorAvailable() : bool
- IsEmbeddingsGeneratorAvailable(Guid modelId) : bool
- IsEmbeddingsGeneratorAvailableForOptions(SemanticTextIndexStoreOptions options) : bool
- IsLoaded(TextIndexModelKind modelsToCheck) : bool
- LoadAsync(TextIndexModelKind modelsToLoad) : IAsyncAction
- MakeAvailableAsync(SemanticTextIndexStoreOptions options) : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<PackageDeploymentResult, PackageDeploymentProgress>
- MakeDefaultEmbeddingsGeneratorAvailableAsync() : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<PackageDeploymentResult, PackageDeploymentProgress>
- MakeEmbeddingsGeneratorAvailableAsync(Guid modelId) : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<PackageDeploymentResult, PackageDeploymentProgress>
- MakeEmbeddingsGeneratorAvailableForOptionsAsync(SemanticTextIndexStoreOptions options) : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<PackageDeploymentResult, PackageDeploymentProgress>
- PerformMaintenanceAsync() : IAsyncAction
- Query(QueryEmbeddings queryValues, SemanticQueryOptions options) : QueryResult
- QueryEmbedding(Embedding queryValue, SemanticQueryOptions options) : QueryResult
- QueryText(string queryValue, SemanticQueryOptions options) : QueryResult
- SimpleAddOrUpdateItem(Guid itemId, string regionId, string itemText, TextEmbeddingsOptions options) : MultipleEmbeddingsResult
- TryGetNextItemsToMigrate(uint maxItemCount) : IList<Guid>
- Unload(TextIndexModelKind modelsToUnload)
- MaxEmbeddingCount { get; set; } : uint
- None = 0
- PrimaryEmbeddingModel = 1
- All = 4294967295
- Success = 0
- MaxEmbeddingsGenerated = 1
- UnknownFailure = 100
- StreamCompleted = 101
- DuplicateRegionId = 102
- InvalidSessionId = 103
- SessionAborted = 104
- GeneratorDisposed = 105
- GeneratorModelUnloaded = 106
- As<I>() : I
- CreateAsync() : IAsyncOperation<Tokenizer>
- Dispose()
- Equals(Tokenizer other) : bool
- FromAbi(IntPtr thisPtr) : Tokenizer
- IsAvailable() : bool
- MakeAvailableAsync() : IAsyncOperationWithProgress<PackageDeploymentResult, PackageDeploymentProgress>
- ShouldTokenize(ulong charCount, ulong maxTokenCount) : bool
- Tokenize(ulong maxTokenCount, string text, Int64[] tokens, ulong tokensUsed, UInt64[] indices, ulong indicesUsed)
- BoundingBox(Point _BottomLeft, Point _BottomRight, Point _TopLeft, Point _TopRight)
- BottomLeft : Point
- BottomRight : Point
- TopLeft : Point
- TopRight : Point
- Handwritten = 0
- Other = 1
- None = 0
- DetectOrientation = 1
- BoundingBox { get; } : BoundingBox
- Confidence { get; } : float
- Text { get; } : string
- MaxAnalysisSize { get; set; } : SizeInt32
- MaxLineCount { get; set; } : uint
- OrientationDetection { get; set; } : OrientationDetectionOptions
- ApiClassName { get; } : string
- PreferredVectorSpaceId { get; } : Guid
- RequiredSessions { get; } : IReadOnlyDictionary<String, ApiInfo>
- SessionClassName { get; } : string
- Workload { get; } : Workload
- ActivateSession(bool outOfProc) : object
- ActivateSession(bool outOfProc, Guid vectorSpaceId) : object
- Equals(ApiInfo other) : bool
- FromAbi(IntPtr thisPtr) : ApiInfo
- GetPackageSet(Guid vectorSpaceId) : PackageSet
- None = 0
- Qnn = 1
- Lnl = 2
- Stx = 3
- DisplayName { get; } : string
- Id { get; } : string
- PackageSet { get; } : PackageSet
- NpuDetected { get; } : bool
- NpuType { get; } : NpuType
- PackagesFolder { get; set; } : string
- Undefined = 0
- Background = 1
- Foreground = 9
- DepthMap = 0
- ImageContentModeration = 1
- ImageSegmenter = 2
- ImageObjectExtractor = 3
- TrimapImageSegmenter = 4
- Parallax = 5
- ImageScaler = 6
- ImageObjectRemover = 7
- ImageSearchEmbeddings = 8
- ImageSearchTextEmbeddings = 9
- QueryBlockList = 10
- QueryProcessor = 11
- LocalSkills = 12
- SemanticTextEmbeddings = 13
- ScreenRegion = 14
- TextRecognizer = 15
- NamedEntityRecognition = 16
- Topics = 17
- ImageLLMAdapter = 18
- LanguageModel = 19
- TextContentModeration = 20
- ImageGenerator = 21
Command line:
dotnet tool install --global dotMorten.OmdGenerator
generateomd C:\Users\mort5161\.dotnet\tools\.store\dotmorten.omdgenerator\1.4.0\dotmorten.omdgenerator\1.4.0\tools\net5.0\any\generateomd.dll -compareAssemblies=1.7-exp2\lib\net6.0-windows10.0.22621.0\*.dll -assemblies=1.7-exp3\lib\net6.0-windows10.0.22621.0\*.dll --output WinAppSDK_v1.7-exp2_v1.7-exp3.html
Generated with .NET Object Model Diagram Generator